■取締役会長 chairperson
■取締役副会長 vice chairperson
■取締役社長 president / representative of directors
■副社長 executive vice president、senior vice president
(vice presidentは、アメリカなどでは部長クラスで使われることあり。正確にはexecutive vice president)
■取締役・役員 director(s)
■専務取締役 senior managing director
■常務取締役 managing director
■監査役 auditor
■相談役(顧問) senior adviser
■部長・本部長 general manager/chief of a department
■副部長 assistant manager
■次長 deputy general manager
■室長 chief / director/head of a section(division/department)
■課長 manager / (section chief)
■参事 associate director(chief)( of a section)
■副参事 deputy associate director (chief of a section)
■主幹 senior manager
■主査 assistant section chief
■課長代理 acting chief of a section
■係長(主任) chief clerk / (section chief)
■社員(部員) staff (member)
■アシスタント、補佐 Assistant
■見習い、研修生 Trainee
■インターン、助手 Intern
■営業部長 chief of the sales department / business(sales) manager
■工場長 factory manager / plant superintendent
■PR担当 communications manager
■秘書(幹事) secretary
■支店長 general manager / branch manager
■参与 counselor / consultant